Contactless: technology supporting hygiene and savings in the home
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In the article “The home of the future: technology, sustainability, innovation”, we explained how the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming our homes into smart homes equipped with intelligent devices. Here we take a look at the issue of contactless technology and how this is useful not only for energy savings but also to improve hygiene in the home.
What is contactless technology
Contactless technology is changing the way we live, also at home.
The word “contactless” was coined to define payment systems that prevent people from coming into contact with the related devices, making the operation faster and ensuring effective hygiene. Today the fields of application are extending.
The first contactless devices for the home: Alexa and Google Home
Contactless technology has now arrived in our homes, with Alexa and Google Home. With these devices, it is possible to switch on and off and program appliances and the television, switch lights on and off, control the thermostat, search for information on the Internet without touching the PC or smartphone, simply by using the voice. These devices allow us to live without touching practically anything, and due to the current high sensitivity to the issue of hygiene, they become precious allies.
Contactless technology supporting hygiene in the home and in the workplace
This type of technology is extending to all aspects of the home and daily life.
Some systems assure maximum hygiene both at home and in the workplace: today we can install key-less gates and locks that open using home automation devices connected to our smartphone, bathroom and kitchen taps using heat or proximity sensors, internal doors that open when the hand moves close to a sensor that works with microwave technology.
Even appliances are developing in the same direction: fridges with an internal camera to view the contents without opening the door, even when outside the home using the related app, smart ovens that can be programmed from a smartphone and connected to a recipe app that sets the ideal temperature, vacuum cleaner robots that, although available on the market for a few years, can now be better managed via an app.
The spread of this new, continuously evolving technology not only helps to ensure drastic time and energy savings but also to optimize hygiene in the home.