Historic residences: all the charm and advantages of living in a period residence
Italy has huge real estate assets in the field of historic residences: villas, residences, buildings, castles and hamlets that conserve art, architecture and history from bygone times that enhance the cultural heritage of our country.
Some residences have been turned into tourist facilities for holidays out of time, others have been restored and turned into private homes.
What makes a house a historic residence?
A residence becomes historic when it is of cultural, historic and anthropological interest in terms of human residence (source: Wikipedia).
Historic residences belonged in the past to an important family or person, were designed and built by a major architect or are part of a historic area or district. The residence can be registered in a historic register or can become a UNESCO heritage site.
The charm of living in a period residence
Living in a period residence is a unique experience that builds ties with the past through all its characteristic elements: sculptural decorations, stone or marble fireplaces, railings, arches and ceilings decorated with stucco and frescoes, antique balustrades and stone and marble columns.
The charm also lies in the fact of becoming part of history, conserving all the urban, historic and artistic wealth that has survived time.
The advantages of living in a historic residence
Choosing to live in a historic residence offers unique advantages.
You join a community of people with an inclination for preserving history. You have the possibility to understand and enjoy historic art, and moreover, the restoration and maintenance of a historic residence is assured with particular care and attention, to preserve all its beauty and authenticity.
Living in a historic residence is a fascinating experience that can bring art, architecture and history connoisseurs closer to their community and to the past.